August 2019


Effective Time Management Tips for School Administrators

School administrators are a harried lot. They have so many things to do and even as work piles up, new ones arrive to add to their burden and it is no surprise if their schedules go all out of whack. School managers must be masters at juggling time and getting things done on time every day to ensure smooth functioning.

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Top 5 Technology Mistakes That Every School Makes

Schools must have information technology in their operations. Schools have administrative sides and the teaching sides. Both can be integrated into one centralized school management software which would be the best way forward but then management rarely has that vision. Cost is a deterrent and another factor is the changeover to technology that would involve training for everyone concerned. Even

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Mistakes to Avoid In Buying School Exam Result Software

Educational institutions are incorporating technology for school management and there is no doubt that it saves time, effort and money. In this context, the school management software may or may not have a module specifically for school exams and results. Sometimes it may be preferable to have separate exam result software. As anyone knows exams are part of studies and

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Can Technology in Schools Arouse Student Curiosity?

Curiosity killed the cat is an old saying. However, in the case of human children curiosity can have great positive impacts on their development and knowledge acquisition. Ally curiosity with technology and it makes for a potent combination. Technology in schools can help students to know more and learn more. Children are Curious Children, by nature, are curious. Some are

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